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Birth of NPS-India

Eureka! Exclaimed the social worker behind the walls of the toilet. Finally! A solution to connecting social workers across the country, or maybe even the world, was discovered. But, there was no way this could be done by one person. What is the point of an idea without creative minds to implement it?

What could be done next? Discuss with another social worker, and another and another. Everyone had the same vision in mind - To connect Indian Social workers globally and to put us out on the international platform. It all started with a group on WhatsApp, using the snowball technique, 1 group grew to be 15 groups. NPS-India has now connected with 4000+ social workers across India on WhatsApp alone. Who would have thought social media can be used to build a professional body? NPS-India did!

Soon we started expanding on other social media platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. Support was flowing in from within and outside the country. So who is the brainchild behind NPS-India? It’s hard to point out to one person because there have been random social workers who choose to be a part of this initiative. Everyone playing their part, working for one common cause beyond their daily work. Members behind team NPS-India are all regular social workers who have full-time jobs of their own. NPS-India is a dream child of every one of us social workers. We have been working during lunch and sleep hours to make this dream come true. Most of us do not know each other on a personal level. Our initial meetings were through WhatsApp and Skype.

NPS-India still has a long way to go, and The Social Spectrum is just one of the many initiatives that we have started. Our ultimate goal – To put Indian Social Workers on the international platform. It does not matter if we permanently remain as members of the body, all that matters is NPS-India does not cease to exist in our absence.

We want commoners to stop asking us what a social worker does. Is that even a profession? So do you go around sweeping streets and cleaning rubbish? Isn’t social work a registered profession in India? We want the world to know that there are a huge number of professionals making a change, creating a better India.




NPS - INDIA, is a National level voluntary network of social workers, institutions of social work education, organizations supporting social work education and social work educators.


  • To develop and promote excellence in social work education, research and employment nationally and globally in order to enhance human well being.


  • To create and maintain a dynamic community of social work educators and their programs.


  • To support and facilitate participation in mutual exchanges of information and expertise.


  • To represent social work education at the international level.

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